Thursday, October 22, 2009


1.An environment where students feel safe and supported, where individual needs and uniqueness are honored, where abilities and life achievements are acknowledged and respected.
2.An environment that fosters intellectual freedom and encourages experimentation and creativity.

3.An environment where faculty treats adult students as peers--accepted and respected as intelligent experienced adults whose opinions are listened to, honored, appreciated. Such faculty members often comment that they learn as much from their students as the students learn from them.

4.Self-directed learning, where students take responsibility for their own learning. They work with faculty to design individual learning programs which address what each person needs and wants to learn in order to function optimally in their profession.

5.Pacing, or intellectual challenge. Optimal pacing is challenging people just beyond their present level of ability. If challenged too far beyond, people give up. If challenged too little, they become bored and learn little. Pacing can be compared to playing tennis with a slightly better player; your game tends to improve. But if the other player is far better and it's impossible to return a ball, you give up, overwhelmed. If the other player is less experienced and can return none of your balls, you learn little. Those adults who reported experiencing high levels of intellectual stimulation--to the point of feeling discomfort--grew more.

6.Active involvement in learning, as opposed to passively listening to lectures. Where students and instructors interact and dialogue, where students try out new ideas in the workplace, where exercises and experiences are used to bolster facts and theory, adults grow more.
Regular feedback mechanisms for students to tell faculty what works best for them and what they want and need to learn--and faculty who hear and make changes based on student input

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tutorial, Evaluation of Online Learning Materials

MERLOT 2008 Business Peer Review Tutorial
We have developed a tutorial to help you learn to do the Peer Review for the Business Editorial Board. The tutorial is comprised of five parts. This makes it easier for you to download as well as easier to pace yourself. The Tutorial is in the form of a Flash file, so if you do not have Flash, you need to download it first. You can do so by clicking on the link below:

Below are the five parts of the Tutorial and the approximate times to complete each. The entire Tutorial should take you approximately one hour. And remember, because these are large flash files, it may take a while to download each. You can save these files to your computer and then open them.
Introduction to the Peer Review (5 minutes)
Exploring the Module (10 minutes)
Writing the Review (15 minutes)
Peer Review Standards (15 minutes)
Submitting Your Review to MERLOT Workspace (5 minutes)
Welcome to the MERLOT team!
If you have any questions, please contact the Editor, Cathy Swift Part 1

Evaluation of Online Learning Material With Feedback

A Review of an Online Multimedia Program for the  Merlot organization
Beginner's Guide to Business Research
by Louise Klusek

Material Workspace
Overall Rating:
Content Quality:
Ease of Use:
Oct 05, 2009 by GeneLoeb Aronin
This tutorial provides the learner with methodology to do research in business. It is an interactive program with visually appealing information accompanied by a well-coordinated, concise oral presentation. Information about the research process is presented in four student-selected tabs, Introduction, Using company websites, Using Library websites, Looking for specific research, and Quiz. An additional set of tabs allows for further exploration; ask a librarian, resources, credits, and survey. The material can be used for an initial presentation of the topic of business research, the used for practice. Assigned activities should be used to get the most out of the site. Great description!
Learning Goals:
User will learn how to do business research using library sources and company websites Okay
Target Student Population:
High school business class, upper and lower college business classes, continuing education Good
Prerequisite Knowledge or Skills:
Basic computer skills, some knowledge of business helpful Good
Type of Material:
Tutorial Good
Recommended Use:
In class practice, accompanying lecture, group exercises, homework reinforcement Good
Technical Requirements:
browser, successful with Firefox and internet explorer, tried on two computers, possibly flash[SC1]

Evaluation and Observation
Content Quality
The module is of top quality. It is clear and concise and provides a complete demonstration of the concept and the process of library research. The process is exceptional, with many parts working together well. The information is accurate and the manner in which it is used provides accurate information. Great
Activities that could accompany this module would make it stronger Good point
Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching Tool
The module promotes learning by its engaging design and interactive features which promote the learning of the concepts. The continued use of the module reinforces the research skills. The strong, oral explanation, accompanied by the moving visual display, provided an effective introduction to the process. It is easy to write assignments for, and is very effective in introducing and reinforcing concepts. Great
Should write None, so the Editor will know you didn’t forget.
Ease of Use for Both Students and Faculty
Ease of use, attractive interactive features, clarity of function, is engaging, designed very well. Good
Same as above. And remember, you can only NOT have a comment if it is rated 5.0
Other Issues and Comments:
Overall a very fine product. Activities should accompany this module to reinforce learning and make it more effective.

Description of Merlot Organization

MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, searchable collection of peer reviewed and selected higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services. MERLOT's vision is to be a premiere online community where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and pedagogy.
MERLOT's strategic goal is to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning by increasing the quantity and quality of peer reviewed online learning materials that can be easily incorporated into faculty designed courses.


Informational Emails to trainees from the trainer/instructor
1.) From: Cathy
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2:41 PM
Subject: MERLOT GRAPE Camp
Hi, Everyone:
Thank you for attending MERLOT GRAPE Camp today. The session this morning was archived so if you need to go back to review the information, you can get to it at: https://csuelm
All you have to do is click on that link and it will play automatically, even though it may take a while to download. (If you are going to be doing the GRAPE Camp asynchronously, please let me know by return email.)
I want to repeat the homework assignment for next week:
1. First, make sure you join MERLOT if you are not already a member:
2. Read over the Policies Regarding Peer Review (these are attached)
3. Go to some of the learning materials in your discipline and look at them. Try to make 5 Member Comments (instructions attached)
4. Work through the Business Peer Review Tutorial part 1. This is found at: I did this using Camtasia, so I’m interested in your feedback.
5. We will Peer Review a learning material next week – please look at the site (the actual one, so you will have to click on “Go to Material.” Just look around the site and we’ll talk about it then. – APA Essentials -
6. I forgot to mention MERLOT Voices. This is a discussion forum where you can make comments about GRAPE Camp or ask questions. You will have to join Voices the first time you log on. We can use that to communicate with each other:
Thank you for tuning in today. I look forward to “seeing” you all next Tuesday at the same time. I will send out the contact information on Monday.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know. Cheers,
2.)From: Cathy
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:26:50 PM
Subject: RE: MERLOT GRAPE Camp
Hi, Everyone:
Thank you for attending today. You can find an archive today’s session at: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And now, homework for next week:
1. Please read through “A Guide for Writing Peer Review Reports for MERLOT” (attached). This will be handy as you work through the Peer Review.
2. Please complete sections 2, 3, & 4 of the Business Peer Review Tutorial (plays as a movie) - This is a different site than last week.
3. Go through short clip on Peer Reviewing:
4. Review the following site and enter on Review Form (will be sent to you) “Beginner’s Guide to Business Research”
a. Look through the actual material
b. Complete the Peer Review form that is also attached on that material.
I recommend creating a folder for MERLOT on your computer.
Save the Peer Review form
Use a paper copy of the Peer Review form as you work through the learning material. Or if you’re really adept, you can take notes on screen and switch back and forth.
When you are ready to complete the form, save it immediately with your name and the material name, i.e. xxxx.Beginners Guide to Bus Research (That way you won’t lose the blank form) Can you tell I already have at times?
When you have finished the review, spell-check it. Then just save it and we’ll use it next week.
Next week we will be entering the review in Workspace {Note: Workspace is a section on the Merlot website where the evaluation is deposited.}
I enjoyed chatting with y’all. If you have any questions, please let me know. Don’t forget to take advantage of the discussion area in GRAPE Camp for questions and comments: I receive a notice when you add something to the discussion, so I can reply immediately.
Cathy ,Director - Academic Partner Services

3.) From: Cathy
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 3:20 PM
To: Subject: MERLOT GRAPE Camp
Hi, Everyone:
This is a reminder about tomorrow’s call. Please join me on the following site: Meeting Link: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We’ll be delving into the Peer Review Process more deeply on tomorrow’s call and will be peer reviewing (during the call) “APA Essentials”
I’m looking forward to talking to you tomorrow at: 11AM Eastern; 10AM Central; 9AM Mountain; 8AM Pacific.
See you then.Cheers,